In this eNewsletter: Annual General Meeting | Build Your Best Bundle

Members are invited to come to the Hay Communications Annual General Meeting.
If you are not currently a member of the co-op, and want to take part in the meeting, call the office at 519-236-4333. There is a $1 fee to become a member. You must have an account with Hay and a networked service such as TV, internet or telephone.
Review of the Past Year
Angela Lawrence, General Manager, will provide an interesting short update on the Telco over the past year, and what’s new in 2025.
Election of Directors
The terms for current Directors Henry Vander Burgt and Mark Tucker will be complete at this meeting. Henry Vander Burgt has indicated he will stand for re-election.
If you are a member of the Co-operative, meet the other qualifications for election and are interested in becoming a candidate, please email hay@hay.net to request a nomination form. Completed nomination forms must be filed at the Zurich business office no later than 4:00 p.m. March 28th, 2025. Please contact the business office at 519-236-4333 if you have any questions.
As the meeting gets closer you will find documents including the agenda on our website.
Building Her Best Bundle
“Brittany has TV and Internet services with Hay Communications and enjoys 7% off both services every month. Now her cell contract is up and she is considering Hay Communications. Why should she make the switch?”
FIRST, her bundling discount goes up to 11% for ALL THREE services. Always a great start to save more money every month.
SECOND, she gets local, honest help deciding her plan, picking her favourite device and switching her phone number to Hay.
THIRD, if she ever has a problem, she knows she can go to 1 of 3 office locations and the Hay Cell Specialists will listen and help get her up and running in what can be an overwhelming time.
FOURTH, she is supporting local jobs and a local co-operative business that always supports her community.
Maintain Your Best Bundle for the Best Discount
Don’t be swayed by short lived deals. Losing your bundled savings is just part of the cost, expert local service and outstanding technical support are valuable as well.