Cell Features

When you’re calling abroad or like more control over your messages, choose the feature perfect for you.
Message Centre
An enhanced voicemail service that hold 25 – 5 minute messages.
Stores messages for up to 14 days.
Personalize your greeting or use the standard message.
Call Forwarding
Forward your calls to another number. This feature is also available on pay-per-use for $0.25 each use.
Visual Voicemail
Visual Voicemail is a quick and easy way to listen to your messages without having to dial in. Simply scan through your messages listing who called and when, and choose which message to listen to right on your screen.
Voicemail to Text
Voicemail to Text converts incoming voicemail into text messages (SMS) and delivers them to your mobile phone so you can quickly read your voicemail when you can’t dial in1.
Unlimited Canada to U.S. and International Text Messages
Send and receive unlimited text messages from Canada to the U.S. and Internationally.
Sent messages include text messages sent to a U.S. or international phone number while in Canada and excludes domestic, roaming, alerts, premium text messages and messages sent with an instant messaging application. Received messages include text messages received while in Canada from a U.S. or international phone number and service-related messages from Bell and exclude domestic, roaming and premium messages, alerts or dial-up messages. Out-of-bundle charges may apply. Certain international destinations not available. See bell.ca/internationaltext for details.
International Long Distance Saver
Take advantage of our lowest long distance rates to over 200 countries around the world, starting at $0.05/min. Valid only when calls are made from Canada. Airtime charges apply.
Unlimited Canada to U.S. Minutes
Add unlimited Canada to U.S. minutes to your plan.
500 International Minutes
Elgible countries include Australia, Bangladesh, China, Germany, Hong Kong, India, Italy, Mexico, Taiwan, United Kingdom.
NOTE: Rates are subject to change without notice. Contact us for the latest rates.