Free Channel Previews | Accessibility | Email and Your Safety | AGM
Providing technologically advanced telecommunications services to our communities
April 2024

April 2024

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Waiting for Spring to Finally Come!

Enjoy Free Channel Previews in April to brighten the cool or wet days where you just want to curl up on the couch and watch TV.

Email Account Safety – a Series

This is the final in our series on what to watch for and how to protect yourself from online scams.

How to Protect Yourself 

Canada’s Anti-Spam Legislation (CASL) is a federal law designed to give Canadians more control over the commercial electronic messages (CEMs) they receive.

A commercial electronic message is any message sent to an electronic address that has as its purpose, or one of its purposes, the encouragement of participation in a commercial activity, including an offer to purchase a product or service.

A commercial electronic message (CEM) includes communication sent by email, text message, Instant messenger or on social media.

Hay follows CASL 

To ensure that Hay is compliant with CSAL, the following 3 requirements are incorporated into our current practices: Obtain customer consent, clearly identify the sender and provide easy-to-use unsubscribe options.

  • Implied Consent: (When the sender has an existing business relationship with the person to whom the message is sent.) Communications are only sent to Hay customers in our billing system and those who have not unsubscribed from our marketing emails.
  • Clear identification on our marketing material.
  • Easy to use unsubscribe method provided at the bottom of marketing material or the customer can call the office to be unsubscribed.

To learn more

Please visit Canada’s Anti-Spam Legislation website to learn more about this Act and how to report spam or submit information about other electronic threats. Report spam to:

NOTICE of the 2024 Annual General Meeting

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