2021 Scholarship Recipients
We are very happy to announce this year’s recipients of the Hay Communications Annual Scholarships. These four students are outstanding with achievable goals we are sure they will reach. We thank all who applied and please know that you are winning already with the career paths you have chosen.

Brescia University College – Double Honours Major in Kinesiology and Psychology
Caity aspires to use her education and knowledge as a Teacher. She is an active volunteer for The Dance Movement in London
Regarding Technology in here field, here is what she said:
“It is essential that teachers stay up to date on technology in order to use new tools to assist their students in learning. This is especially important when working with children with special needs.”

Fleming College – Fish and Wildlife Technician
Kirsten is pursing a career as a Conservation Officer.
In our community she has volunteered at the Zurich Agricultural Society Fair, as well as helping out at Huron County Food Bank Distribution Centre for 4 years.
Her thoughts on Technology in her chosen field. “We are able to have smaller more accurate equipment in the field and we are able to research things that were once impossible. A new technology is putting chips in migratory song birds. Then as they fly by certain towers the chip pings and we can see where the birds are going and how far they travel in a day.”

Wilfrid Laurier University – Honours Bachelor of Arts Economics and Philosophy
Logan aspires to be a Lawyer in Huron County. He has helped our community by Volunteering for five years as a Firefighter in Hensall
On technology in his field of study and chosen career, Logan states “As technology continues to develop, statistical software packages will make being able to manipulate data easier. As for being a lawyer, there are various software packages that make it easier to keep track of billable hours, files and cases, and those that help synthesize information so that lawyers can be more efficient.”

Nipissing University – Bachelor of Science Nursing
Brooke’s eventual goal is to become a Nurse Practitioner, although she is also hoping to work as a Certified Registered nurse on a paediatric oncology unit. Who knows where her path will take her but she suspects it will ultimately be in the Grand Bend area.
She volunteers as a coach for 3 on 3 ringette tournaments and at the CanSkate program run through the local North Bay Ringette association. She has also volunteered at YMCA youth summer camps as a team leader.
Brooke’s thoughts on technology in nursing; “Technology can help in reducing human error with nursing. With that said, technology makes routine procedures simplified, to aid in the prevention of error. Examples include automated IV pumps as well as newly advanced medication carts. Overall technology can advance and influence patient care by allowing faster communication, efficient charting and increased patient safety.”