Providing technologically advanced telecommunications services to our communities
Hay Communications

Business Voice

Business Voice Lines

Your small business needs the dependable service Hay has provided since 1911. Whether it’s to connect with your customer or for a fax line, we have what you need.

Business Phone Line

A trusted service for business communication.

We provide simple number porting and quick, efficient installation service.


Relay Service: $0.13/line  |  Enhanced 9-1-1 Fee: $0.24/line  |  Equivalent Service (roll-over) $0.70/line

Calling Features

Voice Mail User Guide  – click to view or print .pdf

Per UseMonthly
Call Trace - Released to Police Only - If you receive an unpleasant call, hang up and dial *57. A special tone will confirm the call has been traced. $5.00$10.00
Three-Way Calling$0.50$6.00
*69 Last Call Return - If you cannot get to the phone in time, dial *69 and you will hear the number of the last call if it is available$0.50$6.00
*66 Busy Call Return - When a line is busy, hang up. Pick up again and dial *66. Hang up. The line is monitored for up to 30 minutes and you will be notified with a special ring when the line is free.$0.50$6.00
*67 Call Display Blocking - Before you dial a number, dial *67 and the person you are calling will not see your number$0.00N/A
Operator Call Display Blocking - If you choose to block your number through an operator, there is a service charge$0.75N/A
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How can we help you?

Long Distance

For calls within Canada and to the United States, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
