Business Voice Lines

Your small business needs the dependable service Hay has provided since 1911. Whether it’s to connect with your customer or for a fax line, we have what you need.
Business Phone Line
A trusted service for business communication.
We provide simple number porting and quick, efficient installation service.
Relay Service: $0.13/line | Enhanced 9-1-1 Fee: $0.24/line | Equivalent Service (roll-over) $0.70/line
Calling Features
Voice Mail User Guide – click to view or print .pdf
Per Use | Monthly Max |
Call Trace - Released to Police Only - If you receive an unpleasant call, hang up and dial *57. A special tone will confirm the call has been traced. | $5.00 | $10.00 |
Three-Way Calling | $0.50 | $6.00 |
*69 Last Call Return - If you cannot get to the phone in time, dial *69 and you will hear the number of the last call if it is available | $0.50 | $6.00 |
*66 Busy Call Return - When a line is busy, hang up. Pick up again and dial *66. Hang up. The line is monitored for up to 30 minutes and you will be notified with a special ring when the line is free. | $0.50 | $6.00 |
*67 Call Display Blocking - Before you dial a number, dial *67 and the person you are calling will not see your number | $0.00 | N/A |
Operator Call Display Blocking - If you choose to block your number through an operator, there is a service charge | $0.75 | N/A |
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How can we help you?
Long Distance
For calls within Canada and to the United States, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week