Providing technologically advanced telecommunications services to our communities
Use The Latest Outgoing Email Settings

Use The Latest Outgoing Email Settings

Over the years, email technology and security settings have made some great improvements to help reduce spam and improve email service.   Many of these improvements have been behind the scenes on the servers that transmit your messages throughout the internet.

The other side of the equation is making sure your devices all have the correct Outgoing Server Settings.  If you’ve been directed to this page by our support team, it means you have at least one device sending from your email account that needs to have it’s settings updated.   Currently, we are proactively notifying customers about this so you have a chance to update your settings before the old settings get shut down.   It only effects a small percentage of customers as most are already using the up-to-date settings listed on our support site.

There are a few small simple changes to make to your Outgoing Settings. Usually it just involves making sure the port is set to 587, and the security STARTTLS, or TLS (or SSL for iOS devices) is turned on as well as making sure the username and password is entered (even if it says optional).

View the full listing of correct email settings on our support page.

Let us know if you have any questions by calling support at 519-238-4500 M-F 8:30AM-10PM or 9-5PM Weekends and Holidays.



Hay Support Team

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